Stanly County is a body politic and corporate, a legal person capable of holding and managing property and possessing many powers conferred on it by law. It exercises its powers and discharges its responsibilities through its Board of Commissioners. The Stanly County Board of Commissioners provide leadership and support and advocate for actions that foster an effective County Government to enhance the quality of life for present and future generations of the people of Stanly County.
The vision, mission and goals for our organization are identified below:
Cultivate and sustain a community environment where children and adults learn, families and businesses thrive and our residents are healthy and safe.
Mission Statement
With visionary leadership and professional staff, work to ensure overall public safety, protect and promote health and well-being, effectively carry out services mandated by State Statutes, grow the economy, encourage literacy and education and enhance the quality of life for all citizens.
- Enhance education & literacy
- Ensure public safety, health & wellness
- Promote culture & recreational opportunities
- Enhance job opportunities & grow the local economy
- Protect natural resources and the environment to improve the quality of life
- Effectively plan public infrastructure for growth to minimize the cost of services
- Enhance services that allow for aging in place and improve access to public transportation
- Protect assets, minimize risk, and leverage the use of technology to improve organizational productivity
- Be good stewards of taxpayer dollars
- Engage citizens to better understand who we are, and to create a culture of transparency
Please find a link to the Board’s enterprise goal results from the past year with benchmarks and progress indicators. These results are updated annually in advance of the Board’s planning retreat in February/March.
The Board’s major responsibilities include adopting the annual County budget, setting the County property tax rate, and assessing and establishing priorities on the many community needs, especially those related to health, education, welfare, mental health and the environment. The Board also makes appointments to citizen advisory committees. The Commission works with 30+ departments to serve the citizens of Stanly County.
The Stanly County Board of Commissioners is composed of seven members. Five members are elected from districts and two members are elected at-large for a period of four years on staggered terms. The members of the Board elect a chairman and vice chairman for a one year period. The Board’s regularly scheduled meetings begin at 6:00 PM and are held in the Commissioner’s Meeting Room at the Stanly Commons facility located at 1000 N. First Street in Albemarle.
Bill Lawhon, ChairmanSworn In: December 5, 2022 Contact Information: Public Service/Community Involvement: |
Mike Barbee, Vice Chairman
Sworn In: December 5, 2022 Contact Information: Public Service/Community Involvement: Senior Services Advisory Board, Member |
Peter AsciuttoSworn In: December 7, 2020 Contact Information: Public Service/Community Involvement: |
Patty Crump Sworn In: December 5, 2022 Term Expires: December 7, 2026 Contact Information: |
Scott EfirdSworn In: December 7, 2020 Contact Information: Public Service/Community Involvement: Rocky River Rural Planning Organization (RPO), Alternate |
Trent Hatley
Sworn In: December 5, 2022 Contact Information: Phone: 704-791-3538 Public Service/Community Involvement: Stanly Water & Sewer Authority, Alternate |
Brandon King
Sworn In: December 5, 2022 Contact Information: Phone: 704-244-6165 Public Service/Community Involvement: Health & Human Services Board, Member |